
  • Emotional Wellness - Emotions play a critical part in our personality and every individual needs to be emotionally fit in order to deal with various challenges of life. An emotionally healthy individual would be more aware and conscious of the underlying emotions to be able to channelise the energies more productively and positively.
  • Listening (as a ) Therapy - Listening is the most neglected part of the entire communication cycle, not just in workplace but in our personal lives also. Most of the times we rely on the spoken word to put across our point to win arguments and mend relationships but land up with averse results. Listening has the therapeutic effect to build a better personality and help us improve relationships (at home and workplace). So, let's listen more and be better.
  • The Power of Choice - Everything is a matter of choice in this world. The thoughts we choose, the actions we take determine what we undergo and become.  We can be as happy and successful as we want to be provided we choose it to be so. Understanding the power that "choice" offers would help us achieve what we want to and reach where we want to.
  • Leadership Learnings - Leadership is all about Learning and evolving and there's so much learning all around us. This program is a collection of nuggets which bring to us various useful leadership lessons in many interesting and inspiring ways.  

Speaking Assignments

For Colleges - Guest Faculty in Areas of Behavioural Sciences, Business Communication, Career Advancement, Campus to Corporate, Life Skills, Personality Development and Employability Skills 

For Schools - Motivational Sessions on Self-Esteem, Power of Books, Personality Development,  Academic Success and Emotional Fitness.

Coaching For Better Life